Welcome! In spite of its name, this site does not handle The Conspiracy. I just happened to like the name. And it's not my own idea, it's shamelessly stolen from A 'Shipper's Home. The topics are based on my own interest but my hope is that you will find here some new aspects to look at the best TV show ever. This is also the home for our Finnish x-files mailing list and site ring. So if you're not a Finn and find yourself gazing at the text you don't understand, don't panic, just use your browsers back button. ;) The graphics are mainly made by me. A lot of the delicious buttons (like the Duo on the left) I've grabbed were created by the amazing Vered. Feedback is always appreciated. You can sign my guest book or send me e-mail. Thank you kindly. And if you liked what you saw you maybe want to link to me? Great! If you wish, you can use one of these banners or buttons.
Anything to add, correct, remove, change...? E-mailme. Thank you kindly! Or are you in someone's frames? Well, don't be.=) beLIEve opened 12-12-1999, Mervi x-files@nippu.net 
August 28th 2003 Added 2 new Well Manicured Man fans.
August 3rd 2003 Added 2 new Well Manicured Man fans.
July 21st 2003 Added 4 new Well Manicured Man fans.
July 6th 2003 I've opened the fanlisting for Well Manicured Man. Go and join!
April 27th 2003 New FTF wallpaper & FLs.
April 13th 2003 Fanlistings I've joined.
unknown date New x-art for an x-design challenge. New piece of winter-themed David art. The last season is now being shown in Finland, so I hope I'll be updating more often. :) 16th of May 2002(I think, I'm adding this about 6 months later) Gillian wallpaper "Angels"
13th of April 2002 Web ring code changed. Yes, me moved back to webring.com after they finally managed to get rid of Yahoo. 9th of February 2002 Thanks to Andy, the cell phone information has been updated. I've been workingon my personal website (currently only in Finnish) but I'm planning to continue updating beLIEve as well. 16th of October 2001 Well... there's this new Newsweek cover I made. Harry Potter meets the X-files. 14th of October 2001 I redesigned the index-page. I think it's much more easier this way, theold one was pretty useless. There are also lots of new links, especially creative sites. 13th, almost 14th of September 2001 Sorrow, sympathy, horror and disbeliefare the closests words I can find to describe the emotions mixed in my head this week. I don't seem to be able to create any artwork about these tragic events, like many wonderful peopleat xdesign and other places do, but I made two buttons. They're free for anyone to use, no linking back is asked or required. The idea behind both of them is to reflect the question and fear we have heardso many times during the last days: what will happen next?
31st August 2001 Joined Vered's XF art exchange. 30th August 2001 The new update is ready. Woo-hoo! It took a flu and a week withnothing better to do. ;-) I went through every single page and updated the code and designed thenew layout. I'm now using html 4.0 and cascading style sheets. I will update with new content soon,I have some cell phone information stored as well as lots and lots of great links. Before thatI want to check this through at least once more... Meanwhile,feedback about the changes would be great! It's late night, dark, windy and almost full moon. I'm listening to the FtF soundtrack and the updateis pretty much ready. And suddenly I can remember why I love this tv show so much...
Almost forgot... I made some buttons for those who want to link but think banners are toobig. Go, grab, and tell me about it. Thank you. |